To provide equality early childhood education and standard school that produces literate and skilled citizens that can cope up with Global changes of today and capitalizes the today technologies era.


To produce quality education, practical and social skills that

will lead to good, productive and self-reliant citizens and to provide comprehensive education that build child’s strong foundation to suit in the world of competition.


  • God fearing
  • Integrity    
  • Creative     
  • Assertiveness
  • Receptive

About New Africa International School

New Africa International School is a fully registered private International School with the National Ministry of General Education Reg. N0. PPS/000147 and License N0. MoGE&1/2022/000147 offering East Africa curriculum. The school is a mixed Nursery and Primary School located in Khor-Romula - Juba South Sudan. It has an enrollment of over 100 pupils with 20 well-trained teachers and over 10 non-teaching staff members. The pupils come from all over the Juba suburbs areas. The school has been and will continue to be an academic hub of South Sudanese children because of the balanced curriculum offered. We are a multi-cultural institution that provides a well-rounded balanced education to children from different background.

Admissions Office

The admissions office is the gateway to New Africa International School.

New children get through the screening of oral interviews, plus tests in Mathematics and English language. While our pass mark is 75%, the age and background of the child is taken into account on admission. To confirm reservation of a place for the child after a successful interview, the Admission / Registration fee as per the obtaining school fees structure for the year should be fully paid. The child is thereby officially admitted into the school. Parents and visitors are always welcome to be taken around for closer inspection of the school and its facilities.


  • Nonrefundable admission fees

  • Birth certificate

  • Two Passport size photos of applicants

  • Must have report card or form from Previous school.

Team members

The admissions office is managed by:

Mrs. Winnie Kojo &

Tr. Jane Kakayi

+211922457773 +211922133955

Message from the Proprietors

We are indeed privileged to be in a position to make a contribution towards the intellectual and social development of the youth of our nation, South Sudan and Africa at large. The growth of any nation lies in the hands of the young generation and the responsibility to bank them into useful citizens is on us, the adult generation. The venture we have undertaken under the name, New Africa International School 2023 is a noble one and our mission is to facilitate first-class education and civilization to children within and outside South Sudan with the hope that we shall have a better world community tomorrow. We welcome all stakeholders, i.e. the government, parents, pupils, well-wishers etc. to cooperate with us in this endeavor. Our commitment to deliver has no bounds!

All fees are directly paid to the bank.


ACCOUNT Name: New Africa International School

ACCOUNT N0: 021-290-090-607-00

BANK NAME: Cooperative Bank


Registration Office


7:30 a.m. to 5:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

9:00am. to 1:00pm

Welcome to register your child at any time during these days.

Day Care Section

Day care is a special programme to cater for children in nursery whose parents are not able to

pick them up at mid-day when their classes are over. Under day-care we do not offer academic work but entertainment and social skills. These skills include.

  • speech practice like storytelling, rhymes, poems, riddles, conversations, news telling.
  • Sports activities like field events, outside games like swinging, sliding and sand play.
  • Modelling using clay and paper.
  • Video watching where children watch only edited, educative and entertaining movies for their age.
  • Paperwork which involves drawing, coloring, cutting and pasting
  • Open dancing, which is done once a week using already recorded music.

These special activities take place after children have had their nap and refreshment. Parents are encouraged to take advantage of the day care available to ease your very busy schedule.


Every child who goes through New Africa International School leaves with basic skills and knowledge of computer literacy. Computer lessons are offered by the school right from pre-primary to primary seven.

The school computer laboratory is well stocked with modern computers and instructors who conduct the lessons with the best facilitation. This special program provides pupils a competitive advantage when they join Secondary schools where computer knowledge is examinable at the national level.

Staff Development

At New Africa International school, teachers are carefully selected from highly reputable educational backgrounds which include years of experience, commitment and enthusiasm to teaching profession. The school adapted a rigorous hiring practice in place to screen and identify qualified teachers. In addition, the school has a vigorous training programme for the teaching and support staff across New Africa International School campuses.

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